We leave the Damn Cafe at nine and head south on 89, uncertain of our destination. We banter about possibilities: Maggie's, Jake's, Echo Lake and Mt. Tallac. With little time to waste, we decide on a plan --- Mt. Tallac it is, nearly 3,500 vertical feet above the lake. The only foreseeable issue: I have never been and SD can only vaguely recollect a previous trip, years before.
We locate the peak as we round Emerald Bay, look out for Spring Creek Rd., the trailhead, and anticipate an adventure with 'potential', given the recent precipitation. We park by the forest service gate, stash the six-er in the snow and head out behind a two gapers and a snow-shoe-er and in front of a couple Tahoe bun-skis (none of whom reached the summit, for the record).